Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Let's start this off by saying that I am horrible at keeping New Years resolutions! So I typically just don't make one, like EVER! However, this year I am making one to blog at least five times each month! Say what!? Yup, I am going to try to keep this one! With four children life can get kind of crazy sometimes but I am going to try and not let that stop me. 

So much changes from year to year and so much happens that blogging once or twice a year is just not ok! So... Here is what has been going on in our home lately..

Our oldest daughter will be 12 this month. It doesn't seem like that is possible because just yesterday we were battling a typical MN blizzard tying to get her precious tiny bum home from the hospital. She rocked her first year of softball last summer, made high potential/honors classes again in school this year and has now been offered a spot with the state honors choir!! She has a heart of gold and is so helpful at home. In just a few short years she will be driving, then graduating high school and moving out for college! That can't possibly be right! 

Our second born daughter is 8 and sassy!! More days then not she struggles with life at home and at school. She also has a big heart and can be good as gold when she is alone and getting what she wants. She is most certainly our wild child if you will. We love her to pieces and always will she just has ways of testing our patience. She also had her first year of softball last year and loved it!! It was really good for her to be able to get outside and burn off some energy and steam. I think we have heard "when can I play softball?" a thousand times already. Thankfully our winter clinics start up at the end of the month!!!! While this one isn't so "hot" at the school thing she HAS been doing awesome this year and is actually finally grasping the reading concept!! We are SO proud of all of her heard work and are so so so thankful for her amazing teacher this year!

Then we have the third born daughter.. The last baby girl.. She turned 5 this past summer and of course that had this momma in tears and panic mode as that meant that she would be starting kindergarten in the fall!! It was a very rough transition for her as she had only ever been home with momma. September and October brought countless meltdowns after she came home from school. Thankfully we got another amazing teacher for her this year and she helped us work on the meltdowns. She would punch out a die cut smiley face if L had a good day and would write her favorite part of the day on it that way she could come home and was excited to share her favorite part of the day with the family. In November I attended conferences and found out that her behavior in school had greatly improved and that she was finally opening up and participating in discussions and interacting with her peers!! Yay!!! We are still working with her speech pathologist in regards to articulation but she is showing great improvements there as well when she actually tries! She has her momma's stubborness. Oops! 

And last but most certainly not least, our baby boy. He is amazing. After never wanting a son I now wish he could be cloned. Haha! Or at least could've had a brother. He turned 4 this summer. He also finally potty trained! And he is also going to daycare part time so he has some distance from home and mom in preparation for kindergarten in the fall. He absolutely adores his sisters! If daddy tries wrestling with the girls he always comes to their rescue and puts up a fight to help his girls. It's adorbable! He is big into Spider-Man and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He is also growing like a weed!! I cannot keep one size of clothing on him for more then a few months!! He is now in a size 6!!!! He takes after #2 and #3 in that area as to where #1 is tiny and petite. 

There you have it, an update on the children. I do believe that is enough for today. Unless something really good happens later that I have to share of course. ;) 

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