Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Well.. I haven't blogged in what seems like FOREVER! So to give you a brief update I have compiled a list of things that have changed over this long break..
    - I no longer sell Scentsy, I put down new roots with Thirty One!
    - I began college in August, studying  to be a Health Unit Coordinator and currently working on my internship.
    -Today marks our anniversary, 12 years together and 8 years married.
    - Our children are growing and changing each day. Nathan refuses to potty train, Lillian started preschool, Natalie is now a first grader, and Kaylee is now in the fifth grade.
    - Joe got his first archery kill this fall.
    - Our van is finally almost paid off! This is a HUGE thing for us!!
    - We have been in our home for two and a half years and have made a few changes to the place.. new flooring, a new island, took out a wall, poured a new front concrete patio, put on a new front door, a new patio door, also put on a new roof.. just to name a few things..
    - Our pets have fluctuated a bit over the last six months but I am positive we are at our permanent pet status now, with two cats and two dogs.
    - Since owning my sewing machine, I have made a few pillow cases, blankets, and curtains.
    - Kaylee, Natalie and I now also shoot bows.. I am hoping to go hunting next fall.. Not sure if I could kill a deer but I do want to give it a try.
    - I finally worked up some nerve to shoot the little shotgun.. Maybe next spring I can play with the Browning
    - Our family has faced some very trying times in 2013! We have stuck together and are doing our best to finish off the year right.

Ok, enough of that for now.. here are a few pictures of the kids

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