Thursday, July 26, 2012


I have not blogged in far too long and quite frankly I havent had a very good reason other than our life has been crazy hectic and busy. But you have to expect that each and every day with four children, right?!

So a quick, short and sweet update:

Joe and I: over the past few months we have celebrated one year of home ownership, we have also lost our water softener (died), upright freezer (died), and our refrigerator (died). We have yet to replace the water softener only as a freezer was priority. So July 20th we went and got one. Monday July 23rd our kitchen fridge went out. Totally NOT cool! Cause you know, we just have a secret money tree in our back yard right?! Nope!! Anways our new fridge will be here tomorrow and I couldnt be more excited! Also, Joe has a new hobby. He is racing a bronco in the Truck X series at Arlington. I have been keeping busy with the kids, household work and anything else that piles onto my lap. I also still sell Scentsy Wickless Candles! I LOVE their warmers and their scents and everything else in the catalog so it was a no brainer for me to sign up.

Kaylee: she officially passed 3rd grade (with flying colors might I add) and is now a 4th grader!!! SAY WHAT?! yup! A 4th grader! She is headed back to the public schools this year. It breaks my heart but with a new principal in charge we felt it was fair to give him and try and our checkbook a break! Kaylee is growing like a tumbleweed!! That girl can already wear MY socks! But she is still as string bean like as ever! She can still get her skinny little bum into a size 6slim! Not that that is what we make her wear haha because they are too short for her but you get the idea. Skinny and tall!

Natalie: this little lady starts KINDERGARTEN in 40 DAYS!!!!! It honestly seems like just yesterday she was learning to walk! Natalie has been spending a LOT of time with Joe's aunt. Its like her second home. She BEGS to go visit because really, what 5 year old kid DOESNT like being the only child and having one on one attention all day long?! Today she and Kaylee got to go to the county fair and hand out ribbons for the pigs. It was one of their duties as the Jr. Pork Queens. Next Sunday they will be in the town parade too!

Lillian: well well well... this little peanut is going to be three years old on Sunday! I cant believe how fast she is growing up! Well, any one of the kids really! They just dont stop (or slow down for that matter even). Right now Lily loves tractors, bobcats, legos, cowgirl boots, barbies, Dora, babies, and anything else she can get herself into. She still will not use the big kid potty but hopefully soon!! I am ready ready READY to be out of the diaper stage!

Nathan: he is something else! there is NO denying that he is ALL boy! He just celebrated his 2nd birthday earlier this month. He too loves to play with everything that Lily loves. Yeah I know people think its "bad" for a little boy to play with barbies and babies but guess what! My little guy is perfectly normal and healthy and balances his play time quite well for having 3 older sisters! He even helps daddy and papa work on vehichles, tractors and bobcats! His newest favorite things are the "goggies" (doggies). Our Maxima and his female friend just had 10 puppies on the 25th! Unfortunately 2 did not make it and have passed but my kids are in 7th heaven with the remaining ones. Kaylee did get to bury the ones that passed. She made sure they got the respectful ceremony that they deserved too!

Anyways, there is my short and sweet update! (not so short and sweet when you have to update on all six of us haha). I will update more often! It's going to be my goal to post minimum of twice a week! I do believe that Nathan's birthday party will be my next post! Keep watching for that!

Much love to you all!

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