Sunday, January 19, 2020

Jumping into 2020

Whats new with the JMB crew?

On January 9, 2018 I left being a stay-at-home mama to go back to the working world. It has not been easy. Dinners are not on the table at 5 o'clock anymore. The house is in shambles. Our schedules are busier than ever. Some days it kills us to be so busy but most days I wouldn't trade it for the world.

We have a teenager that drives now. Wow is that a scary crazy thing! Her first car accident happened a few months after receiving her license and it was completely not her fault. Someone turned into her car. The car had a squished fender and a crooked tire. It could have been so much worse. We thank God it wasn't. Said teenager also works now. Oh and has a checking account. When did our baby grow up?! Graduation next spring! Time to start thinking long and hard about college and the future.

This past fall our second born became a teenager too! are we old enough for this crap?!... She shot trap last spring and loved it! She also shot and killed her first goose. Atta girl! This child is also on her second year of dance class. First year last year and she was the best of the best and got an amazing solo in one of her dances. It helps she is so darn flexible and tall!

Child number three continues to struggle each day with a wonderful thing called ADD. (in case you couldn't tell that was totally sarcasm).. ADD is not wonderful. Not wonderful at all! It is hell! For her and for us as parents. This year she has been blessed with the most amazing teacher who understands ADD and digs deeper and deeper into research to better understand it. We are so incredibly thankful for this amazing teacher, who our sweet girl has had a relationship with since kindergarten because her biggest sister also had this amazing teacher. This sweet girl is now also on her third year of dance and just started her third round of swim lessons. Next year brings middle school and that makes this mama so nervous.

Our little man, child number four is as smart as whip!! He really does keep us on our toes every day. His big heart is such a blessing and boy he loves to sing. Mr man also just started his third round of swim lessons. It is so nice that the littles can do that together. Thankfully he hasn't had any more broken bones. Who knows, maybe I just jinxed it, he did get a hover-board for Christmas.. This summer he will be double digits. I am not sure how time passed by so quickly. It's no joke when people say "time flies by in the blink of an eye".

This past year I have been trying to grow my crochet gig. I am not great about posting and picture taking but am trying to change that. If you're reading this, swing on by and visit me on Facebook and give my page a like. Or if you're on Instagram you can check it out there and give it a follow. If you've ever bought/received as a gift/won any of my crochet goods, please remember to leave a review. It really does help get the word out. If you're new to Hookin' Good Yarns please mention this post and I will give you $5 off on your first purchase!

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