Sunday, August 28, 2011

Little Farm Hands

Yesterday Joe and I took the babies to the MN State Fair. It was busy there and a little too warm for my likings, but we enjoyed it anyways! Lillian and Nathan were as good as gold! They rode in the stroller really well even.

We walked through the 4H buildings first and let the kids see the animals. Lily was scared of the animals (very typical of her) and Nathan just smiled and squeeled "moo moo" when he saw the cows.

This was one of the cows we saw.. I personally think the all white outfits that these kids had to wear were absolutley rediculous! They were filthy from the bottom of the pant leg to the back of their knees by the time we saw them at 10am..

Lily with her Little Farm Hands apron and bucket

She loved 'driving' this Oliver tractor!

Scooping the corn for the animals was one of the chores she had to do on the farm

Walking to her first destination..

Lily in the tractor shed waiting for her turn to get on the tractors..

Nathan kept playing with the kids' hair that stood behind us in line.. he thought he was pretty funny!

Daddy showing Lillian how to pedal the tractor..

..and she is off!

Upset that she had to get off of the tractors.. but on her way to the chicken coop...

Lillian refused to feed her chickens and she wouldnt take an egg either so I had the honors of helping her. (yes she was terrified of all of the animals at the fair, real or fake)

walking out of the chicken coop

digging a hole so she can plant her seed in the dirt to grow vegetables..

the seed is in..

now she covered the seed up with dirt like a trooper!

and the verdict is, she grew a tomato and even got a corn hat for her hard work!

Lily was running in excitement after she got the lamb wool..

next was feeding and milking the cows.. this didnt go over so swell either as she was terrified of the cows.. she almost left the dairy barn without grabbing her milk! Ooops!

Picking the apples..

all done with the farm chores.. now off to sell them..

had to stand in front of the corn first..

selling her hard earned goods..

she even got paid!

shopping with her money.. she chose a bag of chips!

all done! Lily even got a 'Little Farm Hands' shirt that mommy and daddy bought her..

leaving the farm!

the farm tuckered Nathan out..

he looks so crabby when he sleeps haha.. wondering what he was dreaming about..

Lily enjoying her first state fair Pronto Pup! Nathan got one after he woke up from his nap but because I was eating one as well I didnt have a chance to snap pictures of him.. Daddy pulled it off of the stick for him and broke it into tiny pieces so it was easier for him to eat.

Lily crashed a few minutes after getting into the van..

on our way to Target to pick up diapers for the babies she decided it was a good time to eat her potatoe chips! She was so excited to tell everyone she saw that those were her chips because she worked on the farm!

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